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We are always looking at expanding the range of diversity represented through biennials. We welcome applications from all individuals, institutions and associates from different regions and art related sectors.

Membership Types

100 EUR / year

A professional engaged in managing a biennial or other periodic exhibition,
or who works in a relevant field.

Benefits and procedure to an Individual Membership:

  • Benefits of membership include membership cards, publications produced by the IBA, invitations to all events organised or hosted by the IBA and its Institutional Members and other benefits as determined by the Board.
  • The application for an Individual Member shall be submitted to the IBA Office by the applicant accompanied by the recommendation of at least two Board Members. The application shall be accepted by approval of the President.
  • Institutional Members and Individual Members have the right to attend and speak at a General Assembly and vote for resolutions valid IBA Membership Cards.

200 EUR / year

An institution or organization that has held a biennial type of international art exhibition or relevant event (including triennials, quadriennials and other periodic exhibitions) for more than three occasions.

Benefits and procedure to an Institutional Membership:

  • Benefits of membership include membership cards, publications produced by the IBA, invitations to all events organised or hosted by the IBA and its Institutional Members and other benefits as determined by the Board.
  • The application for an Institutional Member shall be submitted to the IBA Office by the applicant accompanied by the recommendations of at least two Board Members. The application shall be accepted by approval of the President.
  • Institutional Members and Individual Members have the right to attend and speak at a General Assembly and vote for resolutions valid IBA Membership Cards.

200 EUR / year

An institution or organization that has not yet fulfilled the requirements to be an Institutional Member.

Benefits and procedure to an Emerging Biennial Membership:

  • Benefits of membership include two membership cards, publications produced by the IBA, invitations to all events organised or hosted by the IBA and its Institutional Members and other benefits as determined by the Board.
  • The application for an Emerging Biennial shall be submitted to the IBA Office by the applicant accompanied by the recommendation of at least one Board Member and a Letter of Motivation to the Board. The application shall be accepted by approval from the majority of the Board.
  • Emerging Biennial Members have the right to attend and speak but do not have the right to vote at a General Assembly.
  • After the conclusion of the required third edition, Emerging Biennials will be required to follow standard application procedures to become Institutional Members.

100 EUR / year

An individual or institution that does not qualify for membership as one of
the above, but desires to join the IBA.

Additional benefits compared to an Individual/Institutional Membership

  • Associate Members and Supporting Members have the right to attend and speak but do not have the right to vote at a General Assembly.


A person or institution providing substantial financial or other assistance
to the IBA.

  • Supporting members can be any Individual, Institutional or Associate member wishing to give above their annual membership fee or someone wishing to make a special donation to the IBA.
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